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The power of now

The power of now

This book shows that there is an identity beyond the mind, a state of being in which silence reigns, where the clatter and chatter of the mind can be ignored. This state is achieved through practice. It just involves the person being present in the moment and observing life and everything around them.

Many people are unhappy with present situations, and worried about current relationships. Either they look forward to a change in the future or spend time worrying that what is good in their lives might be lost.says that instead, the person should accept their situation, good or bad, and acknowledge its right to exist.

This passive acceptance frees the tension and resistance in thoughts about current circumstances. This state of being is most conducive to allow the person to think calmly about a problem and find a solution. Apart form this, being present in the moment also makes the person calm and more aware of life. It frees them from past regrets and future worries. The only reality is the present moment. Embracing it and being fully present in it will ultimately help the person go beyond their mind and reconnect with who they really are.


Book Title The power of now
AuthorEckhart Tolle
Edition LanguageNepali
PublicationPenguin Books
Category अंग्रेजी साहित्य