Writen byKARL MARX
- PublisherKathalaya Inc.
'' Value-Price and Profit" ( German : "Lohn,Preis and Profit") is a transcrip of an English-language lecture series delivered to the First Interanational Workng Men's Association on june 20 and 27, 1865 by Karl Marx. The text written between the end of May and june 27 in 1865,while capital, volume I was in preparation and one year before it was published. Value,Price and Profit was published as a book in 1898 by Marx's daughter Eleanor Marx Avelling
In this polemic, Marx sought to refute the theoritical basis for the economic policy of Ricardian socialist John Weston .Weston said that " that a genaral rise in the rate of wages would be of no use to the workers; that therefor,etc. In the process of criticizing Weston,Marx's explicates his theorise of surpluse value and the falling rate of prifit in simple and concise English