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Indian Diplomacy in Nepal

Indian Diplomacy in Nepal

After 1950, India not only played a role in the drafting of the Interim Constitution of Nepal, but also visibly appeared in the politics of Nepal entirely. The then Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru claimed in parliament that India has a border up to the Himalayas. The security advisers advised building a check-post on the northern border of Nepal. The Nepal policy is also directing the India- Nepal relations which were formulated for their construction and operation. Numerous books were written on Nepal-India relations then, but one of the authentic books on vivid Indian-Nepal relations is Indian Diplomacy in Nepal by M.D. Dharamdasani.

This book sheds light on the essence and form of India's policies during the fluid democratic practice of Nepal in the 1950s and the new authoritarian regime established in the 1960s. Most importantly, this book covers political, ideological, geographical, cultural, historical and economic dimensions.

Book Title Indian Diplomacy in Nepal
Edition LanguageEnglish
Published Year2023
PublicationBook Hill
Category इतिहास राजनीति/समाज