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Between Queens and the Cities/Between Queens and the Cities

Between Queens and the Cities/Between Queens and the Cities

Beetween Queens and the Cities is the riverting tale of a 19-years-old Nepali Gay man and his long journey from Kathmandu to New York and back. set againts the backdrop of contemporary Nepal, the author revels, with elan and ease, queer spaces where friendships are fosteres outside the normalcy accorded to family and marriage. In the process, he introduces many fellow travellers of the LGBTIQ community. With rare corage and outrageous emotional honesty, the author lays bare the ceaseless conflict of the mind and heart in exploring sexuality. He also compels the reader to interrogate dominant notions regarding love and longing and in doing so, remeals dynamic relationship that are confirmed to the realm of queer intimacy alone. This memoir on the shaping of queer indentity in the South Asian context bristles with deeper questions regarding belonging.

Book Title Between Queens and the Cities/Between Queens and the Cities
AuthorNiranjan Kunwar
Edition LanguageEnglish
Published Year2020
PublicationFineprint Books
Category अंग्रेजी साहित्य संस्मरण/जीवनी/आत्मकथा